The techniques
The Collection
RA! presents–‘Hasta la Visa’ United members of CANVAS48;
a fictive band that embodies and playfully manifests the contradictions between image and identity.
In the time of accelerated production and hyper consumption, it seems, well… just a little more than appropriate to think about what determines the value of the oh so satisfying-ly tangible products we consume.
RA! has been exploring a variety of traditional Japanese craftsmanship techniques* in which time, skill, and stories–as opposed to image or quantity–bring true value to the items(s) produced.
This collection–a melting pot of jewellery, fashion, and art of the Japanese and Dutch–invites us all to dive into the world of CANVAS48 in attempt to go beyond image, and to find its identity.
Although manifested through items, the RA!’s idea goes beyond products, but rather, encompasses everything in life; how do you choose to value the people around you, and the experience life throws at you…?
*Arita Yaki, Kintsugi, Urushi, Raden, and Maki-e
ARIGATO to Stimulerings Fonds for making possible the collaboration with the Kouraku Kiln in Arita, and Saya Yamagishi’s, which enabled a deeper understanding and application of Japanese craftsmanship techniques into this collection.
RA!発信。‘Hasta la Visa’ United members of CANVAS48。
有田の幸楽窯での滞在型作品制作、そして山岸紗綾様のワークショップへの参加が、日本の伝統的技術の理解・コレクションへの反映を実現させました。これらを可能にして下さったStimulerings Fondsへ心より感謝致します。